Fine Art Nature Photography, Seal, West Wales, UK
Seal at Martin's Haven, the boat-launch for Skomer Island, Marloes, West Wales.A juvenile grey seal, Welsh coastline.
The grey seal is one of only two seal species that breed in British waters, the other being the common seal. Grey seals eat whatever is available, including fish, sand eel, octopus and lobster, and will dive up to 70m for their food. Seals (or ‘pinnipeds’) are able to dive to this depth due to their highly reinforced airways which do not collapse under the pressure, and the alveoli in their lungs which can collapse completely under the pressure, but can then reinflate.
Pinnipeds are adapted for holding their breath underwater for up to two hours, reducing their heart rate (from around 55-120 beats per minute to 4-15), and restricting blood flow. Although they are less susceptible than other mammals to the pain and fatigue of lactic acid accumulation, they still need time to recover upon surfacing. Seals are a protected species in the UK.
This image is a Limited Edition Print of 350 for all prints larger than 12"x8".
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